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I Graduated Today!

Today, May 25, 2022, I gradated with my Master’s in Fine Arts in Creative Writing and Publishing Arts from University of Baltimore.

I am extremely proud of myself and my fellow writers in the program. We have faced countless days and nights writing, rewriting, reading, analyzing, brainstorming, crying, laughing, and encouraging one another. We have made it! We are now masters in our field.

I am prepared to use everything I’ve learned and used in this program and while I attended UB since undergrad to enhance my career. Nothing is going to stop me now.

Because I trust in the power of God, I know I will go far and things will work out for me. He did not get me this far to let me down. I will take one day at a time and keep on smiling.

Thank you University of Baltimore and all of my professors and advisors I’ve had over the years. I also want to thank the beautiful and gifted writers I’ve had the honor and the privilege to work with. May your paths be full of sunshine and success!

May God Bless Me and You Too!

Things are possible, you just have to believe it. 🙂

From a graduate of Class 2022!

LeQuita C. Harrison

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