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A Cover Reveal is Coming!

It is finally happening! My young adult fantasy book The Fairest, which I’ve been working on for at least five years now is ready for publishing!

While I’ve been going through the publishing process to perfect my book for its release date, I’ve been working on some cool things on the sidelines. Things like the BOOK COVER!

After a long conversation with my graphic designer, we finally came to a design that I felt to represent The Fairest to its fullest. I hope you all will love it just as much as I do. I’ve been holding on to the final design since January!!

This week I will be giving some huge announcements. The cover reveal will be one, the pre-order date, and the release date will be the other two. Those who are subscribed to my email list will be the first to receive the information. Then on Wednesday I will post it to my social medias and my blog!

So excited about this. This is actually happening. I’ve worked so hard on this book and building my characters and the plot. It is a new fantasy world you’ve probably never read before with a new take on magic and social problems like discrimination and unfair death sentences. This book may get under your skin for a while, but rest assured Mageia Unknown may be the young lady to fix this.

I want to shout out all of my supporters. Thank you so much for sticking by this book over these long years. It’s finally happening and let us celebrate and share the news!

If you wish to be the first to hear about the latest news, please join my Newsletter. It will be sent monthly or when I have a special announcement. Also follow me on social media @lchwriter. –



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