(wrote this for my CCBC Essex journalism course)
There is a lot to be said about mobile devices today and how many people have become dependent on them. Either consciously or unconsciously people find themselves in the middle of deciding, which one is better, the library or the Internet, talking on the telephone or text messaging, listening to the radio or being caged within your earplugs. It does not matter where you go the advancement of smartphones has caught the interest of young people around the world…especially college students.
Some say that cell phones are a distraction when in class as well as outside of class. They say that it interferes with communication and social skills. But these days technology has worked itself around people and has gained much trust. Although, the technology might have its ups it does have its faults as well. When it comes to education what has it contributed?
New phones are being seen in almost every hand. It is said in Jessica Dolcourt’s article on the top best selling cell phones of 2012 and 2013, “so far are Apple IPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3.” They are not the only ones on the popular list like Androids for instance. Antwan, a CCBC Essex sophomore said after being asked what he thought about these new phones, “I think iPhones are cool but it’s a new phone every other two months that really gets on my nerves.”
Why is it do these high tech phones always come out with newer versions a few months after one is sold? First it was the Samsung Galaxy S then there was S1 and then a Note 2. How many more Galaxies can one make? This makes one wander.
Another CCBC student was asked about what he thought about the phone company’s progress in today’s technology. The only thing he could think about was, “What are they doing with all my money?” By the looks of it the companies are either engulfed in their own challenges of being on top or they are gaining a lot of money enabling them to want more money?
If this is so about money when it comes to IPhone 5 it says from CNN Money article Cell phone carriers will get whacked by the iPhone 5 written by David Goldman says, “…analysts are forecasting sales of 5 million units in the final 10 days of the current quarter, and four times that number over the next three months.” It looks like Apple has been leaving a huge imprint on the world’s mobile devices and there is no hint of them stopping.
Not only do the phone companies make their profit off of their customers they also gain money from the government. In Sydiongco and Oremus’ article, How Much Money Does Your Cellphone Company Make From Selling Your Data to Police? They explained their findings in their investigation. “The nation’s wireless carriers spend a surprising amount of time and energy sharing their customers’ private data with police and the FBI.” They also found that the, “Industry giant AT&T… revealed that it took in $8.2 million a nearly 35 percent increase from the year before—on a total of 181,100 requests.”
The money used to pay companies such as Verizon, Sprint, Virgin Mobile and others to sell your data is actually your tax dollars. If the companies gain so much money every year in mobile devices where does all that money go? What should they do with some of that money?
“I think they (the cell phone companies) should contribute some of their money into college education.” Says Winston a Freshman at CCBC who wasn’t too pleased by the information.
Mobile devices are widely used by college students. Although they can be a distraction in classes they can be much useful. They have over a thousand kinds of apps one can download and some of them should be textbook apps or apps that apply for school use only. Some ways students can see if the companies are contributing it can be towards grants and scholarships to help with tuition or books. If they receive over billions of dollars from customers and half of them are college students they should give money back.
There is a lot to be said about cell phone companies and their progress in today’s technology. Many would say they are helpful and some would say they have no use. Whether the circumstance the companies should be able to use their money to help with education.
LeQuita C. Harrison. CCBC Essex Student. 02/15/2013