Hey have you checked it out yet?
I have learned over the years that it is important for a professional and/or a creator to have a platform where people can find them and their work. I’ve always wanted the perfect website. The type of website that expressed who I am as a person while also being interactive, engaging, and interesting for visitors.
Well, I sure hope I did good this time with my website. Last month I began transitioning my website here on WordPress to the one I designed on Wix. So far, I’m loving it. The only problem I’ve having right now is with transferring the domain. Why is it that the most important part of having a website is the most difficult?
Soon everything should be functioning perfectly, however, in the meantime you can access my new website by clicking the READ MORE ABOUT IT button within The Fairest banner. It will direct you to the new portion of my website. I sure hope you love it.
Hours of designing it will pay off, I just know it.
For those who are Fairests of the Fair, please look forward to the Cover Reveal this week for The Fairest. My young adult fantasy book is about a young lady marked Strange in her kingdom due to having purple eyes. Let’s just say, they are going to receive a huge awakening.
My book will be published this year as an eBook and then 1-3 months from then into paperback. Thank you for supporting me and reading my content.
Sincerely Not Fair,