The excitement is REAL!
To me, writing a book is the easy part. Once you decide you’re ready to publish it and share it with the world, that’s when the hard part kicks in. My debut young adult fantasy book, The Fairest, underwent at least 10 full revisions (including copyediting and proofreading) before I ended with the final version.
Then there’s the prep and the research for publishing a book that has to be done at the same time so when things start moving, everything would be in place. It took a lot of praying and tears to make this happen, but through it all I made sure I had fun with it. I dwelled on good thoughts and knew I would be giving my best on the release date.
So if you’re writing a book and have dreams of being a published writer one day, keep going. Do not give up. That is not an option. Put your best forward, pray about it, and God will pull in the readers and the support.
If you would like to be the first to read the final version of The Fairest and give an honest review, please do so on NetGalley and Reedsy. Please see the links below. And thank you ahead of time if you decide to read and review. This will help me spread the word about my book and hopefully help people disappear for a while into a new mystical realm called Valeera.
Thank you!
NetGalley – https://www.netgalley.com/pub/lchwriter
You will have to become a member for free to have access.
Pre-Order Date – July 3, 2023
Release Date – August 1, 2023
Sincerely Not Fair,
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