I go insane whenever someone brings up Sight and Sound. If you don’t know what this is then let me tell you now. It is a theatre located in Philadelphia and Ohio where they do religious musicals on people in the Bible. Not only is it captivating with their cast of up to 100 but its soothing with their uplifting songs. Their voices are amazing as well as their acting. Just imagine “the Bible coming to life” and you’re right there to see it happen! This is why I get so excited. I always enjoy myself when I go to see one of their plays. I even did some research to see how you audition. It isn’t much as long as you can sing, dance, and act and do a convincing video and audition. But tears, I live in Baltimore, and the commute will be tiresome. This is the only thing I do not like about it. There is nothing good in Baltimore and if Sight and Sound could come there, I’d have an amazing job either on stage or behind the scenes. (I’m a great artist, editor, and writer by the way so I’d fit in so well).
So on this wonderful glorious subject, I must say, today me and my family are going to Phily to see Moses. I’ve already seen Noah and Jonah and Jesus it was so good! They had live animals on stage and unbelievable sights and sounds. Get it? Lol. I know for sure I am going to have a nice day today. Those shows are always refreshing. Not only does it bring joy to your heart, smiles on your face, but also tears. I must say there is nothing to compare when a person with a beautiful beautiful opera sound voice sing a praise to God, chills just go through me. In most occasions I wanted to jump up and shout or run onto the stage to hug the person or join in. Everything is amazing.
If you haven’t gone to see a show yet, please do! I guarantee you will learn a lot in the midst of enjoying yourself. Remember Sight and Sound!
I’m going to see Moses!!!!! Thank you Jesus for you magnificent grace! 🙂